LA LLAVE SAL is a contemporary scenic creation project created in 2021 in Barcelona by the dancer and scenic artist María Carbonell. In 2023 Júlia Vernega, dance writer, joins the team as producer and assistant director.
The main interests of their research and artistic creation revolve around:
- The expression of the subtle and unconscious of the human condition.
- The artist as a channel of the spiritual and transcendent.
- The perception of time as a way of access to what is invisible and hidden from the senses.
- The mere presence of the performer as the engine of the scene.
- The artist as a channel of the spiritual and transcendent.
- The perception of time as a way of access to what is invisible and hidden from the senses.
- The mere presence of the performer as the engine of the scene.
This leads them to work methodologically based on intuition and in this way, connect with the viewer to make visible what seemed hidden by creating bridges between the conscious and the unconscious.
On the other hand, the appearance of the concept in the creative process is what allows them to elevate the initial intuition to a scenic poetics of experience.
On the other hand, the appearance of the concept in the creative process is what allows them to elevate the initial intuition to a scenic poetics of experience.
LA LLAVE SAL's movement research focuses on the slowness and temporality of movement, which opens up the possibility of a dramaturgy of the body and the image, quite unexplored in the field of dance.
Graphic Identity designed in collaboration with Alba Acebes Macià